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Green candles symbolize productivity, health, luck, abundance and prosperity. They are associated with growth and harvest. These are candles of success and progress. Ingredients:

🍀Beeswax represents the four elements from which all things were created: Fire, Air, Water and Earth

🍀Clover - has a tremendous ability to attract money. It is a plant that attracts good luck, success and prosperity

🍀 Lacquer - attracts positive vibrations and helps with financial matters, increases acquired wealth

🍀 Oak - considered the tree of wisdom and prosperity since ancient times, brings prosperity to the home, stimulates mental abilities

🍀 Cinquefoil - has five-lobed leaves and five-petaled yellow flowers. Its shape mimics our natural hand, brings good luck, protects against magic, used in money rituals

🍀 Fern - ruler of the planet - Mercury, is responsible for good trade, business, travel. Fern opens opportunities for multiplication and increase of wealth

🍀 Chamomile - brings good luck, money and healing.


Used in rituals to attract money Moon, the first the day after the New Moon ✨


100% beeswax


Abundance Prosperity Witch Ritual Candle


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