While bringing this candle into fruition, it was apparent to me that it needed to embody Inanna in all of her aspects that have been revealed to me over the years of working with her; Goddess of Love and Sacred Sexuality, Queen of Heaven and Inanna in her Decent into Kur. Though the collection as a whole is to support you as you walk with Inanna into Kur through the path working of her sacred rosary (see post tomorrow) the candle can be burnt to honour her in any way that she shows up for you.
I find it potent that her mythos comes from the cradle of civilization, the very part of the world that is and has been at war for a long time now. A part of the world where women are certainly not treated fairly; this part of the world where women were once revered and holy! A part of the world where men who identified as women, were often priests of Inanna/ Ishtar! People who worshipped her in ancient Mesopotamia celebrated their sexuality as an offering or as an act that brought them closer to divinity. I find this potent because we are experiencing the pendulum swinging fully to the opposite end of the spectrum now. Yet I feel Her rising. I feel Her sister/ shadow side Erishkigal raging, wailing as only a mother does at the loss of her children. They are calling us back to the sacredness of our bodies and the sacredness of the land.
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